What you need and want for post op hysterectomy

A compiled list of items to consider having on hand prior to your upcoming hysterectomy.

  • Large, lightweight water container with a bendable straw and maybe a handle. Light weight is important - reaching over to pull a giant Stanley cup full of water toward you might feel like a lot in the first few days

  • Heating pad (this is a must)

  • Ice pack - some women like these, some don’t - you will want a large size that is soft/moldable if you think you might like one

  • Pajamas or comfy clothes that have loose or no waistband (think flannel bottoms a few sizes too big)

  • Peppermint tea (helps with gas pain)

  • Pillow - they make special pillows for post op - needed to hold onto for coughing, sneezing, if you need to take a car ride. A regular couch pillow also works.

  • Pillows to recline on in bed: it is often more comfortable to be in a reclined position. This may be easiest to attain with a number of pillows - sometimes different sizes/shapes.

  • Consider a grabber device

  • Medications to have on hand (note: this may not include everything your doctor recommends and you should clear anything you take with them prior to taking.)

    • Ibuprofen and Tylenol

    • Gas-X, or other simethicone (baby gas drops etc) OTC med

    • Miralax

  • Oversized underwear - ideally with a non constricting band

  • Panty liners or similar for just in case

  • Comfy bras - with clasp in front or easy to stretch…not over the head kinds

  • Small trash can next to bed

  • Consider abdominal binder - some people love abdominal binders and some people can’t stand them - can be something to pick up post op.

  • Baby wipes for wiping and or peri bottle

  • For later in healing when you are ready to go out in the world you will need actual pants (yay) with some type of stretchy waist - Loft makes some good options. It might be a bit before regular jeans feel ok. 

  • Activities that don’t require a lot of brain power…think new TV show or movie series, easy read books, journaling

As always, if you would like more personalized support, please reach out! I’d love to chat more about how we can work together.


Things to set up at home for post op


Questions to ask your doctor about your Hysterectomy