Things to set up at home for post op

Today I want to take a moment to discuss a few ways you can make your home ready for your new post op self. Generally, you want to plan on a few days being in one area, likely close to bed. Getting up to move is important but most people will want to be predominantly resting in the first few days at home and this list is intended to help you prepare your home for that.

  • Table or nightstand next to you for things

  • Extra pillows of different sizes - to stay comfortable, many people prefer the reclined upright position which may require a number of pillows to achieve. You may also end up adjusting it for nighttime. Lots of pillows are helpful to have on hand.

  • Tylenol and ibuprofen (with plan for timing your pain control - this can get confusing to keep track of quickly)

  • Practice getting out of bed by first rolling onto your side and then using your arms to push yourself up. You won’t likely be using your abdominal muscles in the typical way for a little while. Use your feet/legs to lift your bottom closer to the edge of the bed, then roll on your side and use an elbow to prop yourself up.

  • Have your shower supplies up a bit higher so you don’t need to bend to get them (but not too high b/c reaching up at first is also challenging) - you want to have soaps/shampoos etc at about waist height to allow for easy access.

  • If you have pets, have a plan for pet care for the first week until you see how you are doing.

You may also want to consider having a walking area free of clutter especially if you have surgery in the winter in a colder climate, or summer in particularly warm climates. This way you can get walking in safely in the first week without worrying about icy paths or overheating.


What you need and want for post op hysterectomy